Comparative washing tests

We tested the Cyberjet against three other ordinary tank washing machines (ordinary I, II and III).  In order to make the comparison as fair as possible we used the Cyberjet itself to immitate their movements. This way there could be no difference in flowrate, nozzle size, etc.
Actually our objective was to test the theoretical prediction that in this tank the overall savings would be about 85% (time, washing water, energy). As is shown below, the savings were predicted reasonably well, but only after tuning up the rotation speed of the ordinary machines. Otherwise their cleaning time would have been much worse in the order of 15 to 30 minutes (tested with the actual machines and the Cyberjet but no pictures available).

Cyberjet Finished in 1 minute
Cyberjet Finished in 1 minute
Cyberjet Finished in 1 minute
Cyberjet Finished in 1 minute
Cyberjet Finished in 1 minute
Cyberjet Finished in 1 minute Not finished ordinary III, but the camera man ran out of patience.
Cyberjet Finished in 1 minute Oridinary III  approximately finished in 8 min.
Cyberjet Finished in 1 minute Oridinary II  approximately finished in 9 min.
All right we've got it! 

The tank was cleaned in 
1 minute by a Cyberjet.

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